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Without our example and leadership the rest of the world will be reluctant and resistant to support and undergo efforts to limit and reduce their own populations.
Anyone concerned about population reduction in America is encouraged to submit writing, other media, links or general information for publication on Overpopulation Insights.
All submissions and comments will be published at the sole discretion of Overpopulation Insights.
All published submissions will be given appropriate credits and acknowledgements, unless they wish to remain anonymous.
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Jun 20, 2011 @ 21:23:57
I recently published a “broad memoir” based on becoming a mother via international adoption. One of three appendices included focuses on overpopulation. I will be going on media tour sometime later this summer/fall. I need as much current stats/info on the topic of overpopulation and the environment as I can find. Was hoping you could be a resource. Thank you!